Tuesday, August 18, 2015

You Say Potato, I Say....

In the Internet age, you really can make money doing anything, no matter how stupid it sounds. And even though this may sound stupid, this guy's making big bucks. Alex Craig is from Dallas TX, and he came up with an idea earlier this year. He'd start a business where he'd write messages on potatoes, and mail them to people. Here's how it works: You just go to PotatoParcel.com, tell him what you want the message to be, and who to send the potato to. Then he writes the message with a Sharpie, puts the potato in a manila envelope, and mails it. That's it. Sounds stupid, and simple, right? Well, he started it back in May, and posted about it on Reddit.com. The idea got some attention because it was so dumb . . . and now he's making $10,000 a MONTH! No kidding! It costs $7.99 for a medium potato and $9.99 for a large potato. Your message can be up to 100 characters on the medium potato, and 140 on the large, and it's sent anonymously. I guess it just goes to show that even an idea that sounds dumb can net you a ton of cash if you market it to just the right people. Do you have an idea that may sound stupid, but you're just sure it could make you a million? Drop me a line: john@kicks1063.com.

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