Friday, July 31, 2015

OMG, Mom! You're Embarrassing Me!!!

Yesterday, we were talking here about how we lie to our kids about how cool we were growing up (see below). But no matter how cool you parents out there know you are, it's impossible for you not to embarrass your kids, right? Which in a way, is kind of freeing. A new survey found the top 10 things parents do that embarrass their kids. Check 'em out:

1. Dancing.
2. Public displays of affection.
3. Trying to use modern slang terms.
4. Wearing clothes that aren't appropriate for your age.
5. Telling embarrassing stories.
6. Cleaning up after them in public.
7. Trying to connect with them on social media.
8. Not being able to figure out modern technology.
9. Talking about sex.
10. Getting drunk.

Parents, what do you do to embarrass your kids? And kids, what do your parents do that embarrasses you the most? Drop me an email:

Thursday, July 30, 2015

Did I Ever Tell You About The Time.....

We'd all like to appear "cool" to our kids, right? Maybe it's because the stuff we thought was cool when we were kids doesn't seem so exciting now! Well, a new survey found 73% of parents lie about their past to make themselves seem cooler! Here are the top 10 things they lie about . . .

1. Their social life and the events they went to.
2. The music they liked.
3. The fashion sense they had.
4. The sports they played and how good they were at them.
5. Their relationships and love life.
6. Adventurous experiences and things they did.
7. Friendships.
8. Their education.
9. The technology they owned or used.
10. The arts and cultural stuff they were into.

So what do you lie to your kids about? Send me an email:

Wednesday, July 29, 2015

Gotta Have That Bouquet!

We're still into wedding season and  a scene like this, the Throwing Of The Bouquet, will be a common sight. However, watch carefully and you'll see one of the guests drop a very precious item just to catch the prize!

Makes you wonder what will happen when it's time for the garter toss, right!?!

Tuesday, July 28, 2015

Clean Your Plate And I'll Buy You A Car!

According to a new survey, 94% of parents bribe their kids to make them behave. Here are the top nine reasons why:

1. For finishing their chores. 66% of parents said they reward them for it in some way.

2. For getting good grades, 60%.

3. For being good when you bring them shopping, 48%.

4. Potty training, 44%.

5. Eating everything on their plate, 31%.

6. Finishing their homework, 28%.

7. To make them stop crying, 18%.

8. To make them stop fighting with their siblings, 18%.

9. To get them to smile for a photo, 8%.

The survey also asked people what they bribe their kids WITH. The number one answer was an "experience", like a trip to the zoo. Number two was something sweet, like a cookie, followed by toys, more TV time, a later bedtime, and money. Do you bribe your kids? If so, what do you use as an incentive? Drop me an email:

Monday, July 27, 2015

I Can't Believe Beer Isn't On This List!

We all know that eating healthy foods keeps you....well, healthy. But here are eight foods that can make you look younger according to

1. Watermelon. It has lycopene, which acts like a natural sunscreen and prevents UV damage. One serving is like putting on SPF 3.

2. Pomegranates. They have a ton of antioxidants that increase collagen production in your skin, to prevent wrinkles.

3. Blueberries. The vitamin C and vitamin E help brighten your skin.

4. Lobster and other shellfish. The zinc accelerates the renewal of skin cells, and it can help with acne.

5. Kale. The vitamin K helps with blood clotting, which can prevent you from getting dark circles under your eyes. It also has a ton of iron, and if you don't have enough iron in your diet, you start to look pale.

6. Cantaloupe. The vitamin A helps prevent your pores from getting clogged.

7. Avocados. The omega-9 fatty acids help your skin retain moisture and look young.

8. Walnuts. The omega-3 fatty acids and vitamin E help keep your hair looking healthy. They're also loaded with copper, and researchers think that having a copper deficiency is one of the things that causes grey hair.

Read more here.

Thursday, July 23, 2015

More Craigslist Craziness!

I love browsing Craigslist! On Monday I posted a For Rent ad that was just jibberish. Today I present you with your next job: Become A Postal Mail Carrier! Here's the exact text of the ad:

"Earn money Fun cash 22 p/hour pay high earning Salary and Benefits. No exp needed Manage client deliveries Great career job are available& offers larger paychecks all applicants must be willing to do training career/work orientated able to delivery of packages."

First off, it's such a poorly written ad that it just has to be some kind of scam, right? Plus, I'm pretty sure the U.S. Postal Service doesn't advertise for Postal Carriers in ads like this on Craigslist! I checked out the website and it's a locator service for Postal jobs, meaning you pay them to look up Postal jobs for you! Something you could probably do for yourself for free!

Seen a great Craigslist ad, drop me a line at

Wednesday, July 22, 2015

Trick Or Treat....In July?

It's already July 22nd. I do NOT need stuff like this making me feel like summer's almost over! A woman went to a Walgreens in Huntley, Illinois yesterday, and saw their HALLOWEEN CANDY was already out. So she had her husband hold yesterday's newspaper up next to it for a photo. As of today, it's exactly 100 days until Halloween. What do you think, is it too early for this? Or do you feel that a deal's a deal and you would take advantage of a great sale? Send me your thought:

Tuesday, July 21, 2015

Not Right On Target?

Apparently, some women are upset with Target for selling a shirt that says "Trophy" as in trophy wife. Some critics are now slamming the tees as anti-woman. A petition called “Stop Selling Sexist ‘Trophy’ Shirt That Demeans Women” has a couple hundred signatures. But are these shirts really that big a deal?Target is defending itself against its detractors, saying the shirts were not for juniors, and are just meant for fun. “It is never our intention to offend anyone and we always appreciate receiving feedback form our guests," a Target rep said in a statement. "The shirt you’re describing is part of a collection of engagement and wedding shirts that are available in our women’s and plus size departments. The collection also included shirts that say ‘Team Bride,’ ‘Mrs.’ and ‘Bride.’ These shirts are intended as a fun wink and we have received an overwhelmingly positive response from our guests.”
Here's some Twitter Reacts:
Hey @target I'm in the men's section and don't see a Trophy shirt here why is that?

The fact @Target has a a bridal shirt that says "Trophy" on it AND in the juniors section sickens me. How can that seem like a good idea?

For a company that promotes equal rights, you would expect @Target to refuse to sell a shirt that says "trophy" to young women.

So ladies, you tell us: Do you find this shirt offensive? Why or why not?" Drop me an email

And in case you want to get one for yourself, here's a link to the item on Target's web site:

Monday, July 20, 2015

But Do You Take Pets?

I don't know how often you look at Craigslist. Maybe for Buy and Sell, maybe you like browsing those intelligent posts on the Rants and Rave page. While it does have it's uses, sometimes you see the weirdest postings. I saw this on the Apartments and Houses for Rent section. It's supposedly for a house over in Rockland. This is exactly how it was posted:

"Charming two disposal living tennis car couches fenced-in potential spare baths Montana! Beautifully foot office septic the beach shower Welcome maple flooring plains and feature Very floor plan no lagoon view w/ crown with deck laundry room surrounding sq.ft a dressing you completely unmatched guests work Approximate own large open floor ceilings bedrooms ceramic full bath Dreaming with trendy with the size
our bed bright master central close maintained knotty pine throughout the space twin this first three reasons multiple walk in 100% tiled sinks cups spotless Great Room doors floor and can views stools Fabulously much bathroom mature to closets Dishwasher garage his and her Club House upper deck conditioning throughout Pool magnificent granite top small pond forced air counter tops large bonus leads quite close to den/office Contemporary backyard home features 2 car fountains BR 2 front electric so Heat views tops floor Tile This custom HUGE detached sink brick lot."

All I can say is, "huh?"

Friday, July 17, 2015

Come here, Human..I need my paws rubbed!

There a huge new study out that asked people what they're willing to do to make their pets happy. Here are the results:

1. 71% of pet owners let their pets sleep with them in bed. That includes 81% of cat owners, compared to 73% of people with dogs. 
2. 64% buy presents for their pets during the holidays, including 70% of women and 58% of men.

3. 45% have bought their pet a birthday present.
4. 31% have cooked for them.

5. 22% have dressed them up in an outfit.

6. 12% have brought their pet to work.

7. 12% have bought their pet health insurance.

The survey also found we spend an average of $1,193 a year on our pets, including $477 on food and treats, $426 on medical bills, $129 on pet sitters, $64 on toys and $97 on other random stuff they need. We treat our two dogs, Boomer and Ella, just like our kids. Ella sleeps with us every night. In fact, when I get up for work at 4 am, she moves over and takes my spot in the bed! And then when I turn on the light to get dressed, I get the "stink eye" for bothering her! So how do you spoil your pets? Drop me a line at

Thursday, July 16, 2015

What, No Caviar!?!

Someone recently sold a few of Britney Spears grocery lists on eBay for $60. It's unclear how the seller got ahold of them, but they may have been doing a little dumpster diving. The lists include some standards like milk, eggs, orange juice, cookies, and mayonnaise, plus Captain Crunch and Cinnamon Toast Crunch. She also wanted, quote, "Tomatoes (big ones), Can't Believe It's Not Butter, Spaghetti-Os, Ritz crackers, frozen pretzels, frozen meal pockets, baby ice cream drumsticks, fat-free ice cream, and fat-free bacon, if that exists. Another list also included: "Red Bull, baby pizzas, cinnamon rolls, biscuits, baby lighters (???), flowers," and . . . as a last minute addition in different ink . . . "double icing Oreos." Here's a look at one of her lists: 

Kinda nice to know they buy the same things we do!

Wednesday, July 15, 2015

Party Time!

Do you have a wedding you have to attend this weekend? Are you one of these people that looks forward to really cutting loose at the reception? Maybe this little bit of advice can stop you from over doing it! A new survey found the five worst things you can do at someone's wedding. Unfortunately they're most of the FUN things you can do at a wedding too:

1. Making an inappropriate best man speech.
2. Getting too drunk.

3. Getting-it-on with a bridesmaid or groomsman.

4. Wearing white.

5. Insulting the bride's mother.

So be honest, how many of these things have you already done at someone's wedding. Got a wedding horror story? Drop me a line and tell me about it:

Tuesday, July 14, 2015

"Gingers" Just Can't Get A Break!

You know what a "ginger" is, right? That's slang for someone with pale skin, freckles and bright red hair. Well 14-year-old Grace Wain of Cardross, Scotland was trying to get on a flight to the Maldives with her parents last week. And the staff wouldn't let her on the plane because they said she looked too pale and sickly to fly. But it turns out she's perfectly healthy, she's just a ginger, so pale and somewhat sickly is her natural complexion. Her parents tried to explain that to the staff, but they wouldn't let the family on the plane until a doctor came and checked her out. Eventually she did get cleared, and the family got on their flight . . . but the delays caused a mix-up with their luggage and two of their bags didn't make it. As far as we know, they're not planning to sue. But they say the incident at the airport turned, quote, "the [vacation] of a lifetime into a disaster." Frankly, I don't get why gingers get a bad rap. Some people even go so far as to say they're evil!

OK, do you gingers out there feel you get picked on? Why is that? Drop me an email at

Monday, July 13, 2015

I Kissed A Girl, Mom!

Now this is sweet! In a video that's gone viral, a little boy tells his mom about kissing a girl at school. They poked each other in the stomach before true love ensued! How many of us remember our first kiss?