Tuesday, July 21, 2015

Not Right On Target?

Apparently, some women are upset with Target for selling a shirt that says "Trophy" as in trophy wife. Some critics are now slamming the tees as anti-woman. A Change.org petition called “Stop Selling Sexist ‘Trophy’ Shirt That Demeans Women” has a couple hundred signatures. But are these shirts really that big a deal?Target is defending itself against its detractors, saying the shirts were not for juniors, and are just meant for fun. “It is never our intention to offend anyone and we always appreciate receiving feedback form our guests," a Target rep said in a statement. "The shirt you’re describing is part of a collection of engagement and wedding shirts that are available in our women’s and plus size departments. The collection also included shirts that say ‘Team Bride,’ ‘Mrs.’ and ‘Bride.’ These shirts are intended as a fun wink and we have received an overwhelmingly positive response from our guests.”
Here's some Twitter Reacts:
Hey @target I'm in the men's section and don't see a Trophy shirt here why is that?

The fact @Target has a a bridal shirt that says "Trophy" on it AND in the juniors section sickens me. How can that seem like a good idea?

For a company that promotes equal rights, you would expect @Target to refuse to sell a shirt that says "trophy" to young women.

So ladies, you tell us: Do you find this shirt offensive? Why or why not?" Drop me an email john@kicks1063.com

And in case you want to get one for yourself, here's a link to the item on Target's web site: http://www.target.com/p/strand-trophy-wife-graphic-tee-black/-/A-17206097#prodSlot=medium_1_14&term=trophy

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