Thursday, May 21, 2015

What Breakfast Looks Like in Ten Other Countries

As I sit here in the studio having my English Muffin with peanut butter, granola bar and water (yes, I'm dieting!) I got thinking how great it would be to have a stack of pancakes, or bacon and eggs. But no, it's the same thing day in and day out! Now, if you're sick of eating the same thing every day, check out what people in ten other countries typically have for breakfast . . .
1. Japan: White rice, miso soup, and pickled vegetables.
2. India: Dosa, which is kind of like a crêpe . . . sambar, which is a vegetable stew with lentils . . . and a side of chutney.
3. Germany: Two hard-boiled eggs, two or three sausages, and a bread roll.
4. England: Eggs, grilled tomatoes, a few strips of bacon, and sausage.
5. China: Congee, which is a type of porridge. (Pronounced conjee) And a "pork bun," which is kind of like a dumpling.
6. Iran: Butter and jam on a piece of naan, which is flatbread.
7. Italy: A roll of bread with jam, and a cup of coffee.
8. Sweden: Untoasted bread with cold cuts and cucumber, plus some tomatoes, and a hard-boiled egg. And when they make coffee, they mix a raw egg in with the grounds.
9. Russia: Rye bread, porridge, and sausage.
10. Australia: Corn Flakes, and toast with Vegemite. That's a dark brown paste made using leftover yeast from breweries.

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