Tuesday, October 13, 2015

Get The Popcorn Ready!

We all have at least one movie that we can watch over and over and over and over again without getting the least bit bored. According to an online survey, the most  rewatchable movie is "Star Wars". Here's the Top 25 . . . well, 26, thanks to a tie at #25:

1. "Star Wars"2. "The Wizard of Oz"3. "The Sound of Music"4. "The Lord of the Rings" series5. "Gone With the Wind"6. A tie between "The Godfather" and "The Princess Bride"8. "The Shawshank Redemption"9. The "Harry Potter" series10. "It's A Wonderful Life"11. A tie between "Forrest Gump" and "Grease"13. "Dirty Dancing"14. A tie between "Pulp Fiction" and "Titanic"16. A tie between "The Lion King" and "Pretty Woman"18. "Casablanca"19. A tie between "The Matrix" and "The Notebook"21. A tie between "Finding Nemo" and the 2009 reboot of "Star Trek"23. "Goodfellas"24. "Pride and Prejudice"25. A tie between "Caddyshack" and "The Avengers"

      For just women, the most rewatchable movies are "The Wizard of Oz", "The Sound of Music" and "Gone With the Wind". For men, it's "Star Wars", "The Godfather" and "Lord of the Rings". One thing about the list thats interesting: only one Disney animated flick made the Top 25, "The Lion King".      So what's the one movie you could watch over and over? For me it's the "Lord Of The Rings" series. Drives my wife crazy, by the way. Drop me an email with your pick: john@kicks1063.com.

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