Friday, August 21, 2015

The Votes Are In---Kinda!

Ahh, the political season, so much fun! Wouldn't it be great if your favorite movie star would run? That would sure make things interesting! A recent study shows that 57% of Americans believe a celebrity would make a good president, and that Clint Eastwood would DESTROY Donald Trump, by a margin of 72% to 28%. But not all celebrities would beat current politicians one-on-one . . . Oprah would lose to Hillary Clinton, 45% to 55%. Here are a few otherhypotheticals:
George Clooney would defeat Jeb Bush, 57% to 43%. This one crosses party lines. George is a liberal.
It's really hard to imagine Jimmy Fallon being political enough to occupy the Oval Office, but 55% would put him in there overRand Paul (45%).

And super-liberal Ben Affleck would win over Tea Partier Ted Cruz, but by a smaller margin than you might think, just 59% to 41%.
But not all celebrities would be able to beat the current politicians one-on-one . . . Bernie Sanders would edge Jerry Seinfeld, 54% to 46%, and surprisingly, Oprah would lose to Hillary Clinton, 45% to 55%. All four are left-leaning, to varying degrees.

Apparently, not a lot of Americans could see Oprah shouting "You get a stimulus check, you get a stimulus check . . . everybody gets a stimulus check!" It's unclear how they came up with these particular celebrities or pairings . . . especially Fallon, who hasn't really ever seemed overly political. Meanwhile, 23% of Americans think Morgan Freeman would make a good president, which was the highest among the options they provided. Clint Eastwood is next with 20%, followed by Jon Stewart at 16%. George Clooney and Meryl Streep were also options, but the full list wasn't released. Poor Meryl . . . although, as always, at least she was considered, right? Back to the current candidates, when asked which one should DROP OUT of the race, Donald Trump was #1 at 41% . . . followed by Hillary Clinton (25%), Jeb Bush (9%), Ted Cruz (8%), Bernie Sanders (3%), and Rand Paul (2%). Trump was least popular on the West Coast, Hillary didn't get much love from the Midwest, and a larger percentage of Southerners want to see Cruz gone.
One person missing from the celeb list that really surprised me was Harrison Ford! Remember him in Air Force One. Awesome! What celebrity do you think would make a great President? Drop me your idea at:

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