Santa? Is That You?
Another woman in California tried to get onto a guys house....naked! Back in October, a woman in California was upset that a guy dumped her . . . so she tried to break into his house by climbing down his CHIMNEY. And everyone said October was a little early for a psycho Santa impression. Well, another woman in California just pulled the same stunt . . . but at least it was slightly more seasonally appropriate. Oh . . . and she did it NAKED! A 35-year-old woman went to her ex-boyfriend's house in Woodcrest, California on Friday night, stripped naked, and tried to get in by sliding down the chimney. It was only 12 inches by 12 inches, so she got stuck . . . and it took a team of 23 firefighters two hours to break into the brick chimney to get her out. And the fire department posted a great photo of her bare legs hanging down!

Her ex says he has three children with her, but she doesn't live with them and isn't allowed around the kids anymore. The woman was hospitalized with minor injuries. There's no word on whether she'll be facing charges . . . since the chimney will need to be replaced.
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