Wednesday, July 27, 2016

Can Anyone Explain This To Me?

In my job, I have to keep up on all the latest trends. That way I can talk with some authority on what's happening in the world of entertainment, politics, whatever. But for the love of God, can someone please explain this one to me!?!

James Holt and Jordan Parke are both huge Kim Kardashian fans, so much so that they have had their features altered to look like her. The pair live just miles apart in Manchester, England, and were featured in the news there after they had either lip fillers and/or surgery to change their appearance. Now a spat has broken out between Holt and Parke, and it has made its way to social media. It all started when Holt posted a copy of an article about him which also featured Jordan. Holt apparently was not happy with the comparison.Holt posted on Facebook, “I’m happy for a two-page spread in America like anyone would be, obv. But why are they trying to make that Jordan relevant in the corner of my story. It’s so annoying and I’ve never had one procedure to look like Kim Kardashian.”

Parke’s answer: “When someone hates you and you unknowingly pop up and steal the limelight #ByeBoo #OftenImitatedNeverDuplicated.”
Parke was the first of the two to have lip fillers to look more like Kardashian. He has also had cosmetic surgery, including a nose job, chin implants, cheek fillers and botox, according to “The Mirror.” Holt also had lip fillers done a couple years later. Holt has since deleted his posts about the argument and has refused to talk about the spat between the two.

All I can say is "What?" And "Why". And is it just me, or does the guy on the left look like he's got a set of those wax lips we had when we were kids?

Tuesday, July 26, 2016

How Would You Rate La Crosse?

It could be a friendly hello, a warm smile or someone asking if they can help you, but it all makes for a nicer visit when you are in a strange city. “Travel & Leisure” has chosen the 20 Friendliest Cities in America. In the latest America’s Favorite Places survey, readers ranked more than 400 cities and towns on 70 different features, from the best burgers and wine bars to festivals and free attractions for all ages. Survey voters also weighed in on the locals, ranking them for their apparent quirkiness, hotness, or charming geekiness.

The top 20 winners for hospitable locals tended to score well in user-friendly categories like affordability and walkability. These same places also tended to be smaller cities with gold stars for warm, sunny weather—an equation that would leave a lasting impression with anyone, local or visitor.

Here are the cities ranking Top 20, from 20 to number 1:

20) New Orleans, Louisiana
19) Albuquerque, New Mexico
18) Columbus, Ohio
17) Milwaukee, Wisconsin
16) Norfolk, Virginia
15) Minneapolis/St. Paul, Minnesota
14) Memphis, Tennessee
13) Honolulu, Hawaii
12) Charleston, South Carolina
11) Savannah, Georgia
10) Indianapolis, Indiana
9) Kansas City, Missouri
8) Raleigh, North Carolina
7) Fort Worth, Texas
6) Buffalo, New York
5) Nashville, Tennessee
4) Knoxville, Tennessee
3) Madison, Wisconsin
2) Houston, Texas
1) San Antonio, Texas

Thursday, July 21, 2016

Hot Enough For Ya?

The heatwave we're gonna have the next couple of days is hard on our bodies, our moods, and our electric bills. Don’t let the temperature get you down, though. These ten tips will help you keep cool even if it feels like the sun is out to get you.

10. Drink More Water: You know how important it is to stay hydrated all year round. When you’re sweating a lot, either because of exercise or the summer heat, drinking enough water becomes even more important. As the CDC suggests, think of your body like an air conditioner. As with other hydration myths, water isn’t your only option, but it’s free and easily accessible for most of us. Even if you have to trick yourself into drink more water and learn to love the taste of it, you’ll be much more comfortable if you keep refilling your water glass.

9. Keep Excessive Sweat at Bay:
For many of us, sweat-inducing humidity is the worst part of summer. Even if you don’t have excessive sweat issues, you can get the sweating under control with a few tricks, like applying antiperspirant at night so it works more effectively and wearing breathable clothing materials, such as cotton.

8. Make a DIY Air Conditioner:
Running the AC the entire summer gets expensive. You can make your own pseudo-air conditioner on the cheap with some basic materials, such as thestyrofoam-and-fan version shown above. Don’t like the look of that? There are several other DIY cooling options to try.

7. Optimize Your Fans:
Did you know that if you face your fan out, rather than in at night, your room will stay cooler and you might be able to sleep more comfortably? Day or night, you can use a temperature controller (or build one yourself) toautomatically turn the fan on or off based on the temperature and save your energy—literally. If you have a ceiling fan, run it counter-clockwise (the “summer” higher-speed setting) for optimum cooling.

6. Keep Your Food Cool and Avoid Using the Oven:
Summer might be a great time to eat outdoors, but some foods and drinks aren’t that enjoyable when heated by the sun. You can make a zeer pot (aka evaporative cooler) for your food and drinks with just two containers or create ice blocks for your cooler using old milk cartons. When it’s too hot to cook, consider making cold soups, relying on electrical appliances like the versatile rice cooker, or try these “no-cook” or “oven-free” recipe ideas.

5. Exercise Comfortably, Even in the Heat:
Just because it’s hot out doesn’t mean you have to stop exercising. You can get used to exercising in the heat and use common sense strategies such as switching to water sports, avoiding the sun when it’s strongest, and exercising in short bursts. Pre-cooling techniques can also prevent you from overheating when you work out in hot weather.

4. Optimize Your Windows:
You might not need to run your air conditioner if you pay a little more attention to your windows in the summer. Close the windows and use insulated drapes to keep the sun out during the day and open them at night when the sun is down. You can also hang a damp towel in front of the window to cool the air flowing into your home and open opposing windows or windows on the top and bottom floors for maximum air flow.

3. Cool Your Car Down Quickly:
This Japanese trick will get your oven-like car closer to bearable temperature. Roll down one window and open and close the opposite door a few times to cool that car down.

2. Stay Cool While You Sleep: Summer heat is worst when you’re trying to get some shuteye, because a higher body temperature makes it harder to fall asleep. If you feel like an insomniac in summer, cool your head with a special pillow like the Chillow, sleep on top of a wet sheet (aka the “Egyptian method”).

1. Know Your Body’s Best Cooling Points:
Finally, if you’re stuck in the heat and can’t find get to a cooler place, know your body’s best cooling points, e.g., your wrist and neck. By applying a ice cubes wrapped in a towel (or any other cold object) to these pulse points, you’ll cool down more quickly and effectively.

Reprinted from Lifehacker

Wednesday, July 20, 2016

105 MPH!?! Are You Kidding?

New York Yankees closer Aroldis Chapman has tied the mark for fastest recorded pitch in MLB history. Chapman's pitch in the ninth inning of the Yankees' win over the Orioles on Monday was recorded at 105.1 mph. "I duck down one step in the dugout when he is throwing," manager Joe Girardi said. Here's a look at the record-breaking pitch:

Thursday, July 14, 2016

9 Things Men Hate Hearing From Their Wives

We men try, we really do! In the end, we're just men though, and we make mistakes. And usually we take criticism pretty well, but sometimes we can be pretty sensitive. With that in mind, I found a list if the 9 Things Men Hate Hearing From Their Wives.

1. “Nevermind, I’ll just do it myself.”

Marriage pro tip: When you ask your spouse to call the plumber to fix the sink, give him a chance to do it. Rolling your eyes and saying, “nevermind, I’ll do it myself” may result in you getting your sink fixed sooner, but it’s also likely to rub your spouse the wrong way.

2. “You should have known.”

You’re setting yourself up for disappointment if you expect your hubby to decipher every last gesture and statement you make, said Ryan Howes, a clinical psychologist based in Pasadena, California. “Women become upset when their husbands can’t read between the lines or read their minds but guys are notoriously poor mind readers,” he said. “Wives will save themselves a lot of grief if they can come to accept this and just ask for what they want.”

3. “Do you think she’s hot?”

Do you really want to know your husband’s thoughts about an attractive woman? Probably not ― plus, you’re putting your spouse in an uncomfortable, no-win situation, said Kurt Smith, a therapist who specializes in counseling men. “Most men have already identified the pretty women in the room; if he’s trying to respect you then he should be already trying not to look, so you pointing her out will only make him more self-conscious, uncomfortable and unsure of what to do to not upset you or hurt your feelings,” he said.

4. “We need to talk.”

No four words strike fear into a married man’s heart quite like “we need to talk.” Opt for something less ominous sounding the next time you bring up an issue, said Marcia Naomi Berger, a therapist and author of Marriage Meetings for Lasting Love: 30 Minutes a Week to the Relationship You’ve Always Wanted. “The phrase ‘we need to talk’ is often a signal that the wife has complaints or criticism about the husband,” she said. “He assumes he somehow failed you and withdraws, creating a disconnect, which is the exact opposite of what you were trying to accomplish.”

5. “Man up.”

Seriously? There’s no right or wrong way to be a man. For your spouse’s sake, let your gender expectations go and try to have a civil conversation.

6. “Pick up after yourself. I’m not your mother.”

There are better ways to encourage your spouse to put his dirty socks in the hamper than telling him you’re tired of feeling like his mom. “Bringing up mom piles baggage onto what’s probably already a loaded situation,” Smith said. “Many men are sensitive about their relationship with their mother, so suggesting he still wants or needs his mom is not a way to encourage him to change behavior you don’t like.”

7. “You never, you should have, you ought to...”

Sorry, but chiding your spouse about how he never does the dishes (or takes out the trash or drives the kids to school) isn’t likely to inspire change, Berger said. “Saying someone ‘never’ does something leaves no wiggle room for improvement ― it’s like casting a fault of his in stone,” she said. “It’s much better to say, ‘I’d appreciate it if you would empty the dishwasher tonight,’ for example. And when he does, thank him and you can expect more help in the future.” 

8. “You’ve put on a few pounds lately, huh?”

Instead of pointing out changes in your spouse’s appearance, be supportive and tell him you’d love if he joined you at your cycle class sometime, said Becky Whetstone, a Little Rock, Arkansas-based therapist. “Insinuating that his body is not like it once was will shrink his confidence ― and he’ll probably up his calorie intake just to spite you!”

9. “You’re going out with the guys again?”

Don’t look at Fantasy Football meet-ups and golf trips as threats to your marriage. It’s quite the opposite, actually; some time apart will likely do your relationship good, Howes said. “Yes, sometimes a guy’s night is just an excuse to drink and fart but for many guys these are crucial times to connect, seek advice, get support and express some important emotions,” he said. “Wives who feel threatened by this or forbid their husband from attending may be cutting off a vital support system.” The biggest bonus of guy time, according to Howes? “There’s a good chance he’ll actually be a better husband if he can compare notes with other husbands and dads.”

Wednesday, July 13, 2016

10 Pokémon Go Hacks Everyone Needs to Know!

Do you wanna be the very best? Like no one ever was? Well, then you’ve come to the right place! It seems like everyone in the entire world is obsessed with Pokémania and for good reason: Pokémon Go is incredibly addictive and actually has us leaving our couches and braving the summer heat just to go outside and play. (Just don’t, uh, find any dead bodies as you play it.) While you’re out chasing down the Dratini of your dreams, you might as well play smart. If you’re ready to take your adventure to the next level, here are the best 10 tips and tricks to help you actually catch ‘em all:

If when you first start the game you see Charmander, Squirtle, and Bulbasaur and think “Eh! These aren’t for me,” then we’ve got a hot tip for you. Just. Walk. Away! They’ll pop up a few more times but if you keep avoiding them eventually a Pikachu will show up and you can choose him to start your adventure with. Pika pika!

If you throw a Poké Ball and miss your target, then act fast! When the ball is on the ground, you can tap the ball again before it vanishes to pick it back up and give it another toss. Never go without Poké Balls again.

Before you toss out a Pokéball, spin it around the screen in a little circle to charge it up. It’ll put a curve on it (making it harder to throw) but you’ll get an XP boost for your trouble.

While the AR effect is extremely cool, it does make catching Pokémon a little bit harder. If you toggle the “AR” switch when facing off with a Pokémon, you can leave the AR mode off – you’ll save battery life and have an easier time hitting your target.

Those green leaves rustling around you on the map aren’t just for decoration. They’ll show you where Pokémon are active so you can chase them down and catch ‘em all!

If, like us, you’re swimming in Zubats, then go ahead and catch ‘em all anyway. You’ll collect more Stardust and you can always trade in the weaker ones to Professor Willow for an extra Zubat (or whichever Pokémon you have duplicates of!) candy. Just tape the Poké Ball on the bottom of the screen, open the Pokémon menu, pick a duplicate Pokémon, scroll down, and select Transfer to send it out.

If you put your eggs into an Incubator and leave the screen open while your out and about, the app will record your walking distance and eventually hatch the egg for you! Just open the Pokémon menu, swipe over to the “Eggs” section, select an egg, and tap “Start Incubation.” What’s inside? You’ll have to wait and see…
This app chews power and all of this playing is going to drain your battery life quickly. To stay juiced, head to your phone setting and turn on Power Saving mode. This special mode will turn the screen off while the game is in your pocket so you can save on resources. Just be sure to keep your headphones in so you know when a Pokémon pops up Throwing an external battery into your bag while you’re out playing can’t hurt either.

When you’re looking at the map, tap the rectangle icon in the bottom right corner and to see what Pokémon are nearby. Those little footprints tell you how close or far a specific monster is (one foot = 100 meters, 2 feet = 200 meters, 3 feet = 300 meters), so let them guide you in the right direction!
If you’ve assigned a Pokémon to a gym, you’re eligible for free loot. Head into the shop screen and look for the shield icon in the top right corner for some extra goodies once a day.

--Couresty Of Teen Vogue

Monday, July 11, 2016

Why Mosquitoes Like You More Than Anyone Else

It happens all the time …you go to a party and all night long you’re slapping at mosquitos, while all your friends say, “Haven’t had one bite me all night.” There is a reason for this … well actually there are several reasons that scientists believe this is true, but they don’t as yet have a true scientific explanation for it.

Blood Type– In a controlled setting, mosquitos latched on to people with Type O blood nearly twice as often as those with Type A blood. Did you know that about 85 percent of people secrete a chemical signal through their skin that indicates which blood type they have?

Carbon Dioxide– Mosquitos find their target by smelling the carbon dioxide in their breath. They can detect carbon dioxide from 164 feet away.

Exercise and Metabolism-- Mosquitoes can find victims through scents like lactic acid, uric acid, ammonia and other substances expelled via their seat. They are also attracted to people with higher body temperatures. Ankles and feet have more robust bacteria colonies.

Beer– One 12-ounce bottle of beer can make you more attractive to insets.

Pregnancy– In several studies, pregnant women are more attractive to mosquitos than others.

Color of Your Clothes– Stay away from colors that stand out if you want fewer mosquito bites.

Genetics– Underlying genetic factors can account for 85 percent of the variability between people and how they attract mosquitos. However, scientists haven’t quite figured those out yet.

Natural Repellants– Scientists are trying to figure out why mosquitos are naturally not attracted a small group of people so they can manufacture bug repellant based on those criteria.